Chen, C. A.*;Zhou, Q. R.;Mussagulova, A.;Xu, C. W.;Dong, H. K., 2024.10, 'Are Extrinsic Goals Detrimental to Public Service Motivation? A Panel Analysis Based in Taiwan., ' International Journal of Public Administration, pp.1-11.(ESCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yahong Zhang*;Wan-Ju Hung;Hsiang-Kai Dong;Don-Yun Chen, 2024.05, 'Public Employees’ whistleblowing intention: Explanation by an adapted theory of planned behavior., ' Public Administration, pp.1-21.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Wan-Ling Huang*;Hsiang-Kai Dong;Aysegul Colak, 2023.08, 'Revisiting PSM-Attraction Proposition: The Moderating Effect of Recruitment Methods in the Civil Service, ' 行政暨政策學報,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
Assel Mussagulova;Chung-An Chen*;Hsiang-Kai Dong, 2021.04, 'Confronting Pension Reform: Public Employees’ Psychological Contract Breach, Negative Perception, Regret, and the Moderating Role of PSM., ' Review of Public Personnel Administration, pp.1-28.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Dong, Hsiang-Chun*;Dong, Hsiang-Kai;Yu, Mu-Hsien;Lin, Yi-Hsin*;Chang, Cheng-Chang*, 2020.08, 'Using deep learning with convolutional neural network approach to identify the invasion depth of endometrial cancer in myometrium using MR images: A pilot study, ' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.17, No.16, pp.5993.(SSCI, SCIE, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Foley, R. W.*;Archambault, L. M.;Hale, A. E.;Dong, H. K. D., 2017.07, 'Learning Outcomes in Sustainability Education Among Future Elementary School Teachers., ' Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1-18.(COPE)(*為通訊作者)
Chang, Yan-Yi*;Dong, Hsiang-Kai;Jan, Chung-Yuang;Huang, Rong-Yang, 2017.06, 'Polycentricity and Collaborative Governance: Taiwanese Drug Prevention Policies and the Role of Policemen., ' Universal Journal of Management, Vol.5, No.6, pp.301 - 312.(EconLit)(*為通訊作者)
Dong, Hsiang-Kai*, 2015.07, 'The Effects of Individual Risk Propensity on Volunteering, ' Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Vol.26, No.1, pp.5-18.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Dong, Hsiang-Kai*, 2014.11, 'Individual Risk Preference and Sector Choice: Are Risk-Averse Individuals More Likely to Choose Careers in the Public Sector?, ' Administration & Society, Vol.49, No.8, pp.1121– 1142.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Guo, Chao*;Brown, William A.;Ashcraft, Robert F.;Yoshioka, Carlton F.;Dong, Hsiang-Kai, 2011.03, 'Strategic Human Resources Management in Nonprofit Organizations, ' Review of Public Personnel Administration, Vol.31, No.3, pp.248-269.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
董祥開*, 2020.07, 'Aren’t Public Servants the Key to Anti-corruption? The Relationship between Risk Propensity, Public Service Motivation, and Whistleblowing Behaviors., ' The 2020 World Congress of the International Political Science Association, International Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
Dong, H. K. D.*;Chen, C. A., 2019.10, 'How Regret the Civil Servants Are? The Impacts of Pension Reform on Civil Servants’ Willingness to Serve and Trust in Government., ' TIGCR International Conference on Political Polarization: Perspectives of Governance and Communication, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
Dong, H. K. D.*, 2019, 'Willing to Change but Not Willing to Take Risk? Taiwan Civil Servants’ Innovation Tendency and Risk Tolerance., ' The International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, The International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences.(*為通訊作者)
董祥開*, 2018.04, 'A Big Hand to the “Visible Hands”? Support for Government Intervention in Reducing Income Inequalities, ' Midwest Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
Fu, Kai-Jo*;Dong, H. K. D., 2018, 'The Impacts of Civil Service Training Programs on Newly Hired Public Employees’ Public Service Motivation and Political Skill Inventory, ' 臺灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會(TASPAA), 臺灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會(TASPAA).(*為通訊作者)
TingAnXu Liu*;Hsiang-Kai (Dennis) Dong, 2017.03, 'Government Images in the Public Eye: Stereotypes and Negative Images of Government and Bureaucracy, ' ASPA’s 78th Annual Conference, American Society for Public Administration.(*為通訊作者)
Dong, H. K.*;Huang, T. Y.;Hsieh, C. A., 2016.03, 'Policy formation through the deliberative forum and stakeholder participation – An incarnation of the spirits of deliberative democracy, ' ASPA’s 77th Annual Conference, American Society for Public Administration.(*為通訊作者)
Hsiang-Kai Dong*;Lili Wang, 2014.11, 'Help without Protection: The Impacts of Signing a Liability Waiver on Volunteering Behaviors, ' ARNOVA’s 43rd Annual Conference, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.(*為通訊作者)
Lili Wang*;Hsiang-Kai Dong, 2014.11, 'Risk Propensity and the Volunteering Choice, ' ARNOVA’s 43rd Annual Conference, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.(*為通訊作者)
Hsiang-Kai Dong*;Barry Bozeman, 2014.01, 'Public Employees’ Risk Propensity and Innovativeness: Is Risk a Tonic, Poison Pill or Placebo?, ' Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference, Southern Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
Hsiang-Kai Dong*;Rider W Foley, 2014.01, 'Support for Government Intervention in Reducing Income Inequalities: Who and When?, ' Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference, Southern Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
Hsiang-Kai Dong*, 2013.11, 'The Effect of Individual Risk Propensity on Volunteering, ' ARNOVA’s 42nd Annual Conference, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.(*為通訊作者)
Hsiang-Kai Dong*, 2012.11, 'Do Risk-Averse Individuals Tend to Work in the Public Sector?, ' APPAM’s 34th Annual Conference, Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management.(*為通訊作者)
Hsiang-Kai Dong*;Chao Guo, 2011.11, 'The Effect of Public Housing Residence on Individual Charitable Behavior, ' ARNOVA’s 40th Annual Conference, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.(*為通訊作者)
Erica Stinson*;Hsiang-Kai Dong, 2011.11, 'Federal Employee Perceptions of Workforce Capacity: Has the “Quiet Crisis” Arrived?, ' APPAM’s 33rd Annual Conference, Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management.(*為通訊作者)
Don-yun Chen*;Hsiang-kai Dong;Yang-Chung Chen, 2022.10, 'When democracy meets bureaucracy: Studying reforms of Taiwan’s civil service since democratization in the late 1980s., ' Democratic Governance in Taiwan, Routledge, pp.46-62.(*為通訊作者)
Chen, Don-Yun*;Chen, Chung-An;Liao, Zhou-Peng;Dong, Hsiang-Kai;Kuei, Hung-Chen, 2021.01, 'The Rough-and-Tumble of Taiwan’s Pension Reform in the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen, 2016-2020., ' Taiwan During the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen: Navigating in Stormy Waters, Routledge, pp.167-179.(*為通訊作者)
David, H. S.*;Sardinha, B.;Moldavanova, A.;Dong, H. K. D.;Kassam, M.;Lee, Y.-J., 2016.12, 'Conducive Motivations and Psychological Influences on Volunteering, ' The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.702-751.(*為通訊作者)