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Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

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Date 2024-07-01

Taiwanese Journal of Public Administration (hereinafter referred to as JPA) is published biannually by the Department of Public Administration of National Chengchi University in March and September. Articles concerning public administration, public policies, and public affairs management are welcome for submission.


I.  Genre

1. Research Article: Submitted manuscripts should be original and follow the format for research papers or they should be dissertations that inspire discussion on specific issues or concepts.

2. Review Article: Review articles should address recent or constantly evolving research topics and critical reviews and book reviews of domestic or international publications or practical books. Peer review does not apply for review articles. 



1.Manuscripts in Mandarin (including a table of contents) should not exceed twenty thousand words. The manuscript should conform to Microsoft Word Compatibility Mode. The editorial board maintains the right to reject manuscripts exceeding the word limitation.

2.The first page of the manuscript should specify the title, genre, name of the author(s), employer and position, mailing address, phone number, E-MAIL address and other relevant information. To ensure an anonymous peer review, do not disclose any information that may indicate the identity of the author(s) in the manuscript itself.

3. Order of the manuscript: The second page of the manuscript should contain the title, abstract, and key words. Do not write the name of the author(s) starting from the second page. The third page should be the first page of the text, followed by references and appendices. The last page should contain the title, abstract and key words in English. Please attach the “Assigned license to publish form” signed by any co-authors/contributors.

4. For other information regarding the format, please refer to our “Paper Writing Style Policy.” 


III. Copyright

1. Publications are confined to manuscripts without previous distribution or/and publication. Manuscripts presented at international or domestic academic conferences are regarded as non-published.

2. JPA does not accept multiple submissions. If the author(s) intends to submit the manuscript to other journals, please retract the submission.

3. If the manuscript violates Copyright Law or other related laws, the author(s) is (are) responsible for the consequences. Solicited manuscripts will be specified.

4. The copyright (including hardcopy and electronic format) of the manuscript is assigned to JPA after all the contributors agree to publish the manuscript in JPA. The authors and contributors retain the rights to self-archive versions of their work (e.g., as teaching materials or self-publications) in the future.

5. After publication, the authors will receive two hard copies of the current issue and thirty copies of the offprint free of charge.

IV.  Manuscript Delivery

1. JPA receives submissions at all times. Accepted manuscripts are published in chronological order according to the date of acceptance.

2. Please send two copies of the manuscript to the following address:

NO.64, Sec.2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan.

Department of Public Administration of National Chengchi University.

Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Administration Research.

Or e-mail:

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